Wednesday, December 5, 2012

PS6 workflow example for digital illustration

Hi everyone!!!!
I'm finally back:) I'm sorry it took so long, I'm still busy with the end of the semester and my styling work, that's why I came back with a PS tutorial instead of a hand just takes less time! :) But I'm planning to answer to some of your requests soon...stay tuned!

Anyway: this is a quick tutorial that shows an example of how to work with photoshop6 to compose a digital illustration.

a few tips and tricks:

- drag and drop your subject on a bigger workspace

- always use a low opacity, (soft edged) eraser, unless you don't need to be super precise

- download creative inspiring brushes for free on or other wbsites

- when the brush tool is selected, simply click on the little wheel in the brush option palette and choose "load brushes", then pick the abr. files you saved, then load them. you'll find your new brushes at the end of the basic ones

- every brushstroke has to be on a separate layer, for endless variations

- the layers' blending mode is up to you, feel free to experiment with different things!

-  free transform or edit-transform-warp are great ways to adjust shapes to your needs: play with dimension and form!!!

- a real quick way to add a pop of color is to create a new layer, set it as a multiply, then color on it

- after coloring, image-adjustments-hue/saturation: feel free to play around with the cursors and explore different results

- burn/dodge tool is a great way to add shadows and highlights to your images

-filter-filter gallery is a fun way to discover unexpected results

-play around with layers' order to obtain different effects

- always save as a PSD also, before flattening into jpgs, for endless adjustments

- as a final touch consider duplicating the flattened image, then adding filter-blur-gaussian blur to the duplicate, then erasing the blur effect to get back some sharpness (usually in correspondence of the focal point)

- last thing: burn tool works great for custom vignetting too, other than for shading

hope you enjoy!!!!

music by: buromashinen
model: Nichole Martinez by Joshua McCaghren

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