Thursday, June 23, 2011

every Don Quixote has a Sancho Panza

Alexander McQueen collections designed by Sarah Burton still make the fashion people discuss a lot.
The overall opinion seems to be that she took over in style, but still there are a few journalists and bloggers talking about her being too literal in repeating what has been done before by McQueen himself.
There's even someone hinting at the fact she's doing what she's doing just to prove SHE was the genius since the beginning. 

To me those people are just being disappointed. They are disappointed that something magical is still coming from the McQueen fashion house, without him. They are stucked on the very romantic idea of The Hero working completely on his own, to the point they refuse to accept a simple truth: fashion=teamwork. Even when the team leader is a genius. 
An excellent team as one choosen by a genius, is able to keep on working no matter what.

Moreover, even McQueen himself, today, wouldn't be the same as a few collections ago. So we keep comparing Sarah Burton to something that wouldn't exist TODAY as we remember it. It's a paradoxe.

We should just stop comparing. And judge what we see with fresh eyes. Comparison is the judging criteria of the weak-minded.

(digital illustration inspired by McQueen S/S 2011)

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